Lounge Buddy pagará por fotos de los vips de Argentina



Hace unos días me metí a revisar algo en la app LOUNGE BUDDY, que recomendé hace un tiempo para ver que salones hay en cada aeropuerto, como entrar y sus calificaciones, y saltó un aviso de que buscaban fotos de distintos salones en el mundo.

Me anoté…

Unos días después me llegó este mail que copio, donde piden un mínimo de 10 fotos por salón, pagando USD 30 vía PAYPAL a aquellos que les aprueben las 10 fotos o USD 40 si mandan más de 15… en la lista de los salones que necesitan (no son de todo el mundo), están los de AA2000 de varios aeropuertos argentinos (no EZE ni AEP)

Lo pego y comunico como curiosidad, en parte también para que tengan esa app, que es una especie de TRIPADVISOR de salones vip, y para que los interesados se anoten para poder llenar la app con mejor contenido

Thank you for your interest in providing LoungeBuddy with high quality lounge photos over the course of your upcoming travels!

We received your response to our sign up sheet indicating your interest, and wanted to follow up with some additional information on our available assignments.

Here is the full list of lounges where we are looking for assistance. This list will be regularly updated based on our needs at the current time.

If you are confident that you will be able to access any of the listed lounges on an upcoming trip anytime from now until the end of the year and provide photos for said lounges, please let us know as soon as possible by filling out this form, as photo submissions will be received and accepted on a first come first serve basis.**

In addition, if you have visited any of these lounges within the past 6 months and have photos available for them, we may be able to compensate you for these as well, provided that the photos match our criteria and the lounge has not been renovated after your visit.

Here are some additional details to keep in mind:

We will provide you with the equivalent of US$30 per lounge (in exchange for minimum of 10 photos) OR US$40 per lounge (in exchange for minimum of 15 photos) for each lounge that we approve and assign to you. Payment will be made (via Paypal) once you have sent us the photos, and we have verified that they conform to the guidelines outlined.

Photo Submission Guidelines

  • Photo submissions must depict the correct corresponding airport lounge.
  • Photo submissions must not be of poor visual quality (grainy, blurry, odd cropping, etc) or be taken in poor lighting. (minimum resolution: 3072 x 2048 pixels)
  • Photos submissions should be clean, crisp, and sharp.
  • Photos submissions should ideally be landscape, and not portrait.
  • Photo submissions should avoid including people in the lounges if possible — particularly those who are not in your party. If the lounge is packed, try and find a smaller seating area or a smaller group of chairs with fewer people around instead of taking overview shots.
  • All submissions must be original — i.e. you must have full rights to the photos.
  • Duplicate photo submissions will not count towards the total.
  • Each photo submission should represent a different perspective, amenity, feature or other aspect of the lounge.
  • At least 4 photos should be overview shots of the lounge area, and at least 4 photos should focus on features and amenities (e.g. bar, spa treatment area, food buffet, private rooms, children’s rooms, work area, entrance, etc.). The remainder can depict any of these aspects.
  • After you have submitted your lounge requests, we will notify you via email if we have conditionally approved you to photograph a lounge. Please note that these approvals are conditional, and subject to change anytime.
  • Photo submissions for each particular lounge will be received and accepted on a first come first serve basis. If we have conditionally approved you to photograph a lounge, and another photographer, LoungeBuddy member, or LoungeBuddy photo affiliate is able to submit photos and complete the assignment for the lounge before you, we reserve the right to cancel your conditional assignment. In such cases, we will not be able to offer compensation in exchange for your photos.
  • While it is possible to take great quality photos with your smartphone, it can be difficult to meet all the guidelines above if there are interfering factors that are out of your control, like lighting. Therefore, we would strongly recommend using a camera.
Here‘s a quick guide to illustrate the level of quality we are expecting for the photos.

If you have any additional questions about this opportunity, please let us know. We appreciate your interest, and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

Best regards,


** NOTE: Please note that we will not cover the cost of entry to access the lounge. Therefore, you must have your own access method such as Priority Pass membership, American Express Platinum Charge Card, or purchase entry at your own expense into the lounges that you select in order to qualify.

 El link de los aeropuertos que necesitan está en esta lista donde ellos van tachando los que se llenaron
En el momento de hacer este post siguen figurando los de Argentina vacantes
Argentina BRC Aeropuertos VIP Club Main Terminal
Argentina COR Aeropuertos VIP Club Main Terminal
Argentina COR Aeropuertos VIP Club Main Terminal
Argentina IGR Aeropuertos VIP Club Main Terminal
Argentina LUQ Aeropuertos VIP Club Domestic Terminal
Argentina MDQ Aeropuertos VIP Club Main Terminal
Argentina NQN Aeropuertos VIP Club Main Terminal
Argentina SLA Aeropuertos VIP Club Main Terminal
Argentina TUC Aeropuertos VIP Club Main Terminal
Argentina UAQ Aeropuertos VIP Club Departure Terminal
Ahora son tan chiquitos que 10 fotos??? terminarán sacándole a los enchufes creo 😛
Los interesados entren en la aplicación para poder anotarse dentro de los fotógrafos posibles, si es que quieren enviar sus fotos de los salones acá detallados o de otros en el mundo!

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21 comentarios de “Lounge Buddy pagará por fotos de los vips de Argentina

  1. Alberto dice:

    Lo había visto y creo que en dos de los que usé en julio/agosto, saqué para enviarles, pero luego no me dio ganas de hacerlo (hay otra palabra que dicen los chicos).
    Quizás ahora que hiciste post, me de ganas 🙂

  2. Carlos dice:

    retristes los lounge de Aerolineas VIP Club, de los peores que he ido en el mundo: chiquitos, mal provistos, mal iluminados y decorados y te atienden de mala gana. Encima ahora pase por el de Aeroparque y no tenia lugar. 10 fotos? como decís vos, hay que sacarles a cada estante de la (generalmente vacia) heladera.

  3. Mario dice:

    A nivel profesional lo que pagan es muy poco, pero está claro que buscan gente con buena voluntad que se sume a la causa. Realicé trabajos similares pero bien pagos.

  4. Matias dice:

    Estuve en estas vacaciones de invierno en el salon de AA2000 en IGR y realmente es como vos decis, 10 fotos iguales serian, porque es muy chiquito, lo que si es muy lindo es la vista a la pista y a una de las mangas.

  5. vancenjoy dice:

    como usan lounge buddy? porque lo instale y de mis tarjetas, ninguna aparece en la lista, a menos que las hayan incluido, no vi tarjetas argentinas en la lista

  6. Marcela _MDQ dice:

    Gracias Sir! Complete el ciclo para retratar (con esfuerzo para no repetir) el salon de Mardel (MDQ) y hoy recibi el aviso de la trasferencia a mi cuenta en PayPal. Todo suma y el proximo viaje estara mas cerca… 😉

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